The effect of revitalization on the value of residential premises in historic urban layouts
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Department of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing of Environment and Spatial Engineering, Faculty of Geo-Data Science, Geodesy, and Environmental Engineering, AGH University of Krakow, Poland
Kataster – surveying and cartographic services, Buchcice, Poland
Submission date: 2023-08-23
Final revision date: 2023-11-25
Acceptance date: 2023-12-08
Publication date: 2024-03-06
REMV; 2024;32(1)
- the previous results of the revitalisation appear to be rather insufficient
- there is no visible price increase after the further revitalisation measures
- the positive effects of some corrective actions may have been short term
- the area of the analysed local market is relatively small and very homogeneous
- comprehensive revitalisation would really affect the value
The aim of this research was to analyze the effects of revitalization activities performed in a selected historical urban layout using the mixed method in which statistical analysis was supported by Geographic Information System (GIS) tools on the price level of residential premises on the secondary market. The subject of the analyses is “Old” Nowa Huta (Krakow, Poland), which was designed as an ideal independent city in the mid-20th century. The analysis covered the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2020.
The conducted analyses have demonstrated that the transaction prices (and hence the value) of residential premises located in “Old” Nowa Huta increased during the performed revitalization activities. However, based on the results obtained, it could not be confirmed that this was the direct result of the revitalization itself, because the price level within the research site increased in proportion to the rising prices in the entire city. It seems, however, that although the changes in the quality of space in the analyzed area are not spectacular, they serve to improve the quality of life of the local community and are one of the ways to protect this historic urban layout.
This work was financed by research funds from the AGH University of Krakow [Number:].